- My nutritional therapy journey began more than 40 years ago when I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition. Since then, I’ve developed a passion for the healing aspects of foods. I was also inspired by the medical conditions of my family, particularly my son. He has experienced celiac disease, candida overgrowth in the gut, and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).
My Certifications
I take pride in being a certified practitioner of the following:
Nutritional Therapy
This foundational approach to holistic nutrition focuses on the unique needs and personal characteristics of an individual. The foundations involved in this therapy include digestion, blood sugar, minerals, fatty acids, and hydration. The individual utilizes various foods and supplements to balance their body chemistry and achieve optimal wellness.
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS™)
The GAPS™ protocol establishes the connection between the state of the individual’s gut and the functioning of their brain. It’s used to help children and adults with behavioral and learning disabilities by improving their digestive health. Autoimmune diseases often develop in the gut and can be remedied by treating the source of the problem. GAPS™ treatment methods address digestive issues, such as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, leaky gut, food allergies/intolerances, and skin issues (e.g., eczema).
Nutrition Response Testing
This safe, noninvasive body analysis system determines the causes of poor health by using a form of muscle and kinesiological testing. Once an individual’s health issues are corrected through safe, natural, and nutritional means, their body achieves a state of balance and optimal health.
By addressing the mind-body connection, this valuable tool identifies the cause of an emotion, belief, or habit that hinders an individual’s journey toward healing. I often combine hypnotherapy with weight loss advice and consultations to develop healthy habits, such as smoking cessation and pain and stress management.
Janice is AIP certified
Treat people with auto-immune diseases.